Neuter/spay and other
surgery procedures


Sterilization means removal of the reproductive organs. In a male it is testicles (orchiectomy), in females it can be ovaries (ovariectomy OE) or ovaries and uterus (ovarihysterectomy OHE). Castration can be done from preventative reasons but also therapeutic reasons (uterus disorder, mammary gland tumors, testicle tumors, cryptorchids etc.) Sterilisations same as other surgery procedures are done by laparotomy technique, which means, that we open the abdominal cavity in linea alba. We plan to provide also endoscopy (laparoscopy) procedure in the future, but we postpone it especially because of very high price of this technique for our clients.

All the information below about surgery procedures describe not only spay and neuter surgeries, but all the other surgeries. Všechny níže uvedené informace o chirurgickém zákroku platí nejen pro kastrace, ale také pro veškeré ostatní chirurgické zákroky. Mezi další nejčastěji prováděné chirurgické zákroky patří chirurgie trávicího ústrojí (gastrotomie, enterotomie, enterektomie, extirpace slinných žláz), sleziny (splenektomie), močového ústrojí (cystotomie, cystektomie, ureterotomie, uretrostomie), odstraňování tumorů kůže a tumorů v dutině břišní a zákroky v dutině hrudní (thorakocentéza, thorakotomie, thorakodrenáž) a další.

The majority of the procedures are performed under general inhalation anesthesia. The patients are connected to a EKG, pulse oxymeter and capnometer to monitor vital functions. Older, sick or unstable animals are also receiving intravenous fluids during the surgery and usually continue the infusion therapy also after the procedure.

Our main approach is ovariohysterectomy in female animals (dogs, cats, rabbits) if the owner doesn’t wish otherwise. In rats and guineapigs we usually choose ovariectomy. In male dogs we access the testicles from one castration wound with prescrotal aproach. In tom cats the access is through scrotum. The castration wounds are usually sutured with absorbable intradermal sutures. The threads will dissolve with time and there is no need to remove stitches or coming for a check up. We cover the wounds with a net dress and a gauze in order to stop the animal from licking the wound. Some cases require also Elizabethan collar. If you already have a pet cone at home you can bring it together with your pet.

Small mammals are placed on a heating pad during the surgery and they receive subcutaneous fluids after the surgery. We only use inhalation anesthesia in small animals. Details of other specific surgery procedures will be discussed at the clinic with the owner.

Preparation for the operation

Dogs and cats have to be fasting before any anesthesia overnight. However we recommend free access to drinking water all the time until the procedure. Every surgical intervention under anesthesia is done on the basis of previous appointment. You can bring your pet before the time settled for the surgery and pick him/her up according to the agreement with the doctor or the nurse.

Surgery preparation can be done with the owner present, but it doesn’t have to be. We start with taking the weight, placing the iv catheter and applying the sedatives intravenously in order to start a slow gradual sedation. In some patients the sedation can be postponed and the iv catheter is used for blood collection. The blood is then tested to establish the health condition and sedation is initiated after that.

Blood collecting and testing prior to a surgery is recommended in older animals, in sick animal, animals with complications in family anamnesis or in any animals that undergo a therapeutic castration. In cases of mastectomy of female dogs and cats we also perform a chest x-ray to rule out possible lung metastasis.Pets are returned to their owners fully conscious and in a stable state.Fasting in the case of small mammals is not recommended, on the contrary we ask the owners to bring their pets in the carrier with access to food and water. If needed we can provide boxes with food and water before and after surgeries.The price of the surgery includes not just the procedure itself but also all the drugs and materials. Price is variable according to the size of the animals, the length of the procedure, the usage of anesthetics, postoperative care, wound bandage, pain killers or other medication needed.  

In case of an oncological intervention, tumor removals, the price depends on the extent of the preoperative diagnostics and histopatological examination of the tumorous tissue. The price of the histopatological examination moves around 1500,-Kč. It is done only after the owners approval though it is highly recommended in most cases.

Summary of important information

  • PREVIOUS APPOINTMENT NEEDED – by phone call, e-mail ([email protected]) or in person during a visit
  • FAST overnight, that means last feeding the night before the surgery
  • LIQUIDS yes until the procedure
    - recent heat or vaccination (up till 14 days) report to the doctor or nurse
    - any other current health issues (diarrhea, cough, vomiting etc.) report tothe doctor or nurse
    - any known chronic disease (heart murmur, liver or kidney pathologies etc.)report to the doctor or nurse
    - please also report any medication that you animal is receiving
    - we also need to know any allergic reactions to medication or vaccinations

Castration price list

Dog - Female (small, middle, large breed)
4 500 - 8000,- Kč
Dog - Female with uterus condition (pyometra etc.)
8 000 - 12 000,-Kč
Dog - Male (small, middle large breed)
3 500 - 5 500,- Kč
Cat - female (small/large breeds)
2 000 - 2 500,-Kč
Cat - female with uterus condition (pyometra etc.)
3 000 - 4 000,- Kč
Cat - male (small/large breeds)
1 000 - 1 200,- Kč
Rabbit, Rat, Guinea pig (male/female)
1 500 - 2 800,- Kč
Surgical procedures less difficult (without hospitalisation)
7000 - 10 000,- Kč
Surgical procedures more difficult (with hospitalisation)
10 000 - 15 000,- Kč